The most interesting stories:
1. "The little mermaid"
2. "The milkmaid and her pail"
3. "The tortoise and the hare"
Wind is basically just more than moving air. It blows at different speeds and move in all different directions. It is the best weather to gon on sports particularly paragliding, and parasailing but you have to consider the force of the wind. It shouldn't be too strong because if yes, you have to say goodbye and postpone your activity for a time being.
But how does it move?
The sun provides light and heat to the earth. But it doesn’t give the same amounts of light and heat to the entire surface of the earth. There are two types of air, warm air and cool air. In physics, warm air weighs less and lighter than cool air. As warm air goes up in the atmosphere,it pushes up through the cold air thus, this movement is what we call wind.
Weather forecasters named different types or sources of wind. Here as follows:
Windstorm:strong gusts of wind with no rain in them.
Wind gusts: Are sudden bursts of wind and you normally experience them whenever you hear your door or windows banging through—making it move much quicker than it would have otherwise.
Jet stream: A fast-moving ribbon of air between two air masses with very different temperatures. The jet streams always move west to east because of the earth’s constant rotation.
Trade winds: Air blowing toward the Equator. Trade winds are always blowing and are always warm.
Prevailing winds: The air is almost always moving—at least a little bit. This movement is called a prevailing (on-going) wind.